Hi, I’m Paige.


I’m a facilitator & programmer who loves helping people live mindful, purposeful lives. I inspire us to think & feel as we build the life and world of our dreams.

How did I arrive to my very specific lane of production & facilitation?

For my human design nerds - I’m a manifesting generator. For everyone else, growing up with four parents, four brothers, and a sensitive heart meant I had to understand how people loved to find ease in overwhelm. My biggest takeaway? You’re incredibly powerful when you know who you are - you build stronger relationships, can be intentional with your energy, and you’re a lot happier too. 

Now, I build my life with alignment and connection at the foundation. However, there was a time when I thought my way forward was through rugged individualism. I began my career as an international documentary media-maker determined to be someone that people remembered.

I’ve always been a fast learner (meaning I put myself in situations where I have to learn very often), so brace yourself for the professional whirlwind. 

I went on to create a web series about underground female musicians in Spain, an Afroperuana elders radio project in Lima, Peru, then found myself in New York City producing Emmy and World Press Photo award-winning documentaries about relationships with The Skin Deep. As I realized my gift for realizing large-scale experiential projects, I built interactive media for Google, and eventually lead the Digital team at a racial justice non-profit helping get police out of schools. 

On paper, I had made it! I’d escaped the North Texas suburbs and was doing work that empowered and healed the people around me. However, my single-mindedness and social isolation deteriorated my health. I was at a crossroads - do I listen to my body and make some serious life changes or continue following my mind, hoping my intellectualized version of success will eventually pave the way for me?

I chose to rebuild my life and lean into trust - of myself, of my people, and of my environment. Self-awareness was my ticket in, so now I use meaningful connection to help others live inspired and purposeful lives.

What am I building now? You can find me workshopping the world of our dreams with revolutionary creators in the Not Yet well-being library.


🚀 Want to feel inspired to live your life with purpose?

Subscribe to my biweekly newsletter, where I share findings from the world of intentional living - including excerpts from the Not Yet well-being library.

Media Studies MA, Pratt Institute

Anthropology BA, Rice University